20 Фраз Вбиваючих Introductory Sales Email | BEA

20 Фраз Вбиваючих Introductory Sales Email


08 / 2016


Категорії: Language of Business, Sales Letter

Business English Academy відкриває рубрику “Sales letters” і сьогодні ми поговоримо про фрази, які варто виключити щоб уникнути попадання в спам бокс.

1) “Hi, my name is and I work at …”

Using this phrase indicates that you haven’t taken the time to become familiar to the prospect before sending this email. According to studies, cold emails are not effective. Instead, reps should build a rapport online before emailing a prospect.

2) “Whenever you have a second, let me know.”

Including a clear next step for the prospect at the end of the email is the best way to keep the conversation moving forward. Using this phrase, however, could leave the prospect in limbo because they aren’t sure what it is the salesperson would like them to do.

3) “This is the perfect product for your company.”

While it’s great to believe in your product, unless you know the business’ specific pain points, goals, and ins and outs, this phrase isn’t accurate. Feel free to indicate that youbelieve your offering might be a good solution, but don’t overstate your case.

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4) “This offer won’t last forever.”

Today’s buyer is working on their own timeline, regardless of how close to the end of the month it is. This pushy phrase scares buyers away because they aren’t ready to make a commitment yet and don’t want to feel rushed.

5) “Our product will make you hit your goals.”

Until you’ve spent time talking in-depth with a prospect about their business, you don’t know if your product will help them reach their specific goals. Sellers who make guarantees without information can sour a relationship because they have no credibility.

6) “Our product does A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, …”

Too much information can be overwhelming. Instead of listing off each and every feature your product offers, make an educated guess about one pain point based on your research and offer a tactical suggestion for that specific pain point. This approach provides value and doesn’t overwhelm the prospect.

7) “Do you have problems with X, Y, and Z?”

An introductory email shouldn’t be about figuring out if they have a problem. It’s best to save the lengthy pain discussion for your first call. Instead, salespeople should spend time researching this prospect, make an educated guess as to what their most pressing pain point might be, and speak to that pain in the email. Clues from website downloads, financial statements, and job boards can tip a sales rep off to where a particular company might want or need to improve.

8) “I know your time is valuable, but …”

… But what? This phrase implies that what the prospect is about to read is a waste of their time. Prospects are looking for a return on their time invested, and using a phrase like this primes them against seeing one.

9) “Sorry if I’ve wasted your time.”

Salespeople need to provide value with every touch. By writing that they might have wasted the prospect’s, the rep indicates that this and any future emails are wastes of time. Don’t set the wrong tone.

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10) “Sorry to bother you, but …”

Saying “sorry” means you’ve done something wrong. When a prospect sees that you’re apologizing for sending an email, they might assume the message is completely valueless.

11) “The product only costs …”

Mentioning the price of the product in the introductory email can scare the buyer away because they don’t fully understand the value of the offering. Listing any price is going to be a deterrent to the relationship. Provide value first.

12) “Just a quick email to …”

As Nancy Friedman points out, “just” is a weak word. Using “just” implies that what the salesperson is about to say won’t be important. Erase “just” from every sentence and take note of how the sentence improves and becomes stronger.

13) “Our product increases revenue/decreases cost/reduces risk.”

Every company on the planet claims to increase revenue, reduce risk, or decrease cost. Generic claims make buyers’ eyes glaze over. With the introductory email, salespeople should try to paint a clear picture of what specific benefit their product offers for this individual prospect.

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14) “I guarantee that this product will …”

Guarantees are great, but unless the salesperson knows every detail about the prospect and their business, they shouldn’t offer one. Don’t make a guarantee in the introductory email until you understand the prospect and their business.

15) “What makes us different from our competitors is …”

Why bring up your competitors in an introductory email? This email is meant to gauge interest in your product, not a competitor’s.

16) “We’ve helped plenty of companies just like yours.”

While this company might have similarities to other companies, it’s important to remember that every prospect is different. Instead of trying to generalize that you’ve had success with others, inform the prospect why you believe you will have success with their business.

17) “Don’t miss this opportunity!”

Using a sales-y phrase like this can deter a buyer because they are working on their own timetable, not the salesperson’s. The threat of “missing out on an opportunity” might signal to the buyer that they need to look at other companies willing to work on their timeline.

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18) “We accept all forms of payment.”

This phrase can turn a buyer away because the prospect might have recently learned about this product and aren’t anywhere close to ready to buy. Instead, gauge the prospect’s interest and when they’re (much) further along in the funnel, bring up payment.

19) “Trust me …”

Trust is earned, not given. By using the phrase “trust me,” salespeople imply that they might not be trustworthy and have to ask for trust rather than earn it.

20) “Could you put me in touch with …”

This phrase not only reveals that you haven’t done research but also asks a prospect to do work on your behalf. You haven’t even established a relationship, so why would your prospect take time to help you?


Written by Mike Renahan

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